Tuesday, 28 August 2012

 The first Saturday of September every year is observed as International Vulture Awareness day by the Birds of Prey Programme (EWT-BoPP) of the Endangered Wildlife Trust, its partners and associates including provincial conservation bodies and several other NGOs involved in vulture research and conservation in South Africa. The purpose of this day is to create awareness of the continued plight of all vulture species and to highlight the work done by conservationists to monitor populations and implement effective measures to conserve these birds and their habitats
Vultures are faced with a range of threats such as poisoning, persecution, electrocution and collision with power-lines, drowning in farm reservoirs in drier parts of the country, shortage of safe food supplies and loss of suitable habitat. The potential impact of indiscriminately placed wind-energy installations is today recognised as a major emerging threat to large soaring birds such as vultures. A considerable number of installations of this nature are planned for South Africa and it is imperative that the placement of such sites should consider and attempt to avoid the potentially devastating impact that they may have on the populations of these already threatened birds.

The Endangered Wildlife Trust in collaboration with the VulPro and BirdLife South Africa will be hosting a fun-filled family day at the VulPro’s facilities near Hartbeespoort Dam. Activities will include talks on vulture conservation, vulture feeding and lots of activities for the children. You can contact André Botha at andreb@ewt.org.za, Kerri Wolter at kerri.wolter@gmail.com, or Ernst Retief at conservation.gauteng@birdlife.org.za for more information on the day’s activities. A number of rehabilitation centres and vulture restaurants in the country will also host special events and showing vultures to members of the public.

For additional information please go to www.international-vulture-awareness-day.org on how you can become involved.

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